The Tragic Magic of a Mouthless Mascot
Orchard Valley Harvest is a mixed nut brand going through a major transformation—a new name (OVH), new logo, new packaging, and new products. So how does this unknown snack brand win over young Millennials and Gen Zers who typically find nuts boring? That’s easy! By creating a brand mascot born from the OVH logo who is as equally irreverent as he is naive.
Yes, our tragicomic (stick) figure of epic proportions is on a crusade to spread the good news about OVH to a new generation of snackers. However, despite his extreme enthusiasm for OVH, he possesses one tragic flaw. As a 2D mascot without a mouth, he’ll sadly never be able to taste the wonderful creations he is blessed and burdened with promoting. But, of course, none of that will stop him from letting everyone know that O-V-H Spells Good!

Making a :06 that Sticks
We even made a series of cheeky, memorable :06 videos that are as quick as they are quippy.