A Dream Assignment
Each Disney Princess is the heroine of her own story, an inspiring role model whose inner qualities give her the strength to achieve her dreams. Tiana’s entrepreneurial spirit helps her build a business against all odds. Merida has the courage to break tradition and save her family. Belle's kindness lets her see the goodness inside the Beast. In a magical moment for our whole agency, Disney invited us to help extend the power of these iconic Princesses. By showing girls around the world that they share traits with their favorite leading ladies, our campaign aimed to help them realize their full potential so they too can “Dream Big.”

Big Dreams, Small Screens
Across social media channels new and old, we filled fans' feeds with inspiring Princess social media content, much of it timed with major cultural events like International Women's Day, Mother's Day and the Super Bowl. The campaign even served as a launch pad for the New Disney Princess Instagram account.

Moms Rule
To reach a princess, sometimes you have to go through the queen. We created content specifically geared towards moms to show them that Belle, Cinderella, and the rest of the Princess posse could be inspiring role models for their daughters.

Happily Ever After
Love for the campaign poured in from all sides. But best of all? We even impressed American's own royalty: In early 2016, the Obamas featured the "Dream Big, Princess" campaign at a White House panel on gender equality. Now that's a fairy-tale ending.