National Epidemic. Family Crisis.
Stats says 2,500,000 people will struggle with opioid addiction this year. The stats are wrong. They don’t count every mother gut-twisted with worry, every father tortured by guilt, and every parent trying to rescue their child amidst conflicting advice, dwindling bank accounts, and suffocating isolation.
But thanks to The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, thousands of families have found the support and guidance they desperately need. To help more families find this support, we connected with them over the unspoken, heart-wrenching dilemmas that they face behind the scenes, the #ImpossibleQuestions that arise when your child is addicted to opioids. Then we let them know where to find answers.

Reaching Hearts in Hell
Through real conversations with real parents, we discovered a heart-breaking number of #ImpossibleQuestions. Then we turned them into gripping posters and sent families an unexpected, yet longed-for, message: Someone understands them.

Hope Lives
For many parents, the biggest miracle of calling PDFK is simply hearing “Yes, your child’s story can end positively.” That alone has saved lives. We felt so inspired by this insight, we created a second campaign, “Hope Lives.” With carefully crafted headlines, this campaign gives discouraging opioid stories a positive twist and empowers parents to keep believing.
Lighting the Way
From national TV to movie theaters to the world’s most famous magazines, millions of people connected with our message. Most importantly, more parents connected with PDFK, discovering help, hope, and the truth that families can heal.