A Post Super Bowl Cleanse. With Meat.
This campaign hit two days after the Super Bowl. Americans were smack dab in the middle of a beefslider-chickenwing-threemeatchili coma. Oh, and let’s not forget the tons of additives, preservatives and nitrates that were ingested. Who wouldn’t be ready for a cleanse? So we introduced the Applegate Clean Meat Cleanse. A chance to renew both body and soul with clean, craveable, Applegate meat.

Level 1: Clean Body
A gentle introduction for first-time cleansers. Rid yourself of artificial additives and preservatives. Reset and renew with Applegate’s natural and organic meats with no antibiotics ever.

Level 2: Clean-er Body
Get an even deeper detox with a no-sugar, gluten-free, paleo-friendly, delicious meat package. It's your chance to reach total meat-vana.

Level 3: Clean Body. Clean Planet. Clean Soul.
This package includes organic meat that is humanely raised and environmentally responsible. Restore your body. Revive your moral high ground. Renew your faith in the fate of the world.

Reaching Total Meat-Vana
We created a series of shorts— :06s, boomerangs and GIFS—featuring our interpretive meat dance (yes, we said “interpretative meat dance”).

Start the Cleanse Today
All campaign assets drove to a landing page that featured the three levels of the cleanse and enabled consumers to buy.
Nice, Meaty Articles About Our Work
Compliments enrich our mind and body.